Gun Game Artificial Intelligence: Friendly and Enemy NPC Behaviors

Gun Game Artificial Intelligence: Friendly and Enemy NPC Behaviors

Action games are one of the most popular genres in today’s gaming industry. Providing an impressive experience in such games, artificial intelligence makes a significant contribution to the layers of realism and difficulty of the game world. In gun games, artificial intelligence is used to manage the behavior of both enemy NPCs and friendly NPCs. In this article, we will take a closer look at the behavior of enemy and friendly NPCs controlled by artificial intelligence.

Behavior of friendly NPCs

Friendly NPCs are characters that fight alongside and support the player. These characters usually perform various tasks such as keeping the game’s story progress, performing tasks such as collecting points or items, or attacking enemies. When creating the behavior of friendly NPCs, it is important to highlight their player-helping and teamwork skills.

  • Cooperation: Friendly NPCs must be able to follow the player’s attack moves and react accordingly. For example, while the player is attacking the enemy, friendly NPCs must also attack the enemy or absorb the enemy’s fire to protect the player.
  • Protection: Friendly NPCs can use a shield or melee weapons to ensure the player’s safety. If the player is harmed, friendly NPCs must quickly intervene and protect the player from danger.
  • Communication: It is important for friendly NPCs to be able to communicate with the player to improve the flow of the game. For example, friendly NPCs may inform the player about quests, give instructions for completing quests, or constantly communicate with the player to track progress.

Behavior of Enemy NPCs

Enemy NPCs are characters that fight against the player. These characters are controlled by artificial intelligence algorithms that challenge the player and provide convincing hostility. When creating the behavior of enemy NPCs, it is important to ensure that the player has a challenging combat experience and defeats the enemies effectively.

  • Attack: Enemy NPCs can use different attack moves when attacking the player. For example, if enemy NPCs have melee abilities, they will approach the player and attack. Additionally, enemy NPCs with ranged attack abilities can fire projectiles or rockets at the player.
  • Intelligence: Enemy NPCs’ artificial intelligence algorithms should enable them to make strategic decisions. For example, enemies can move in a group or target weak points by analyzing the player’s defense mechanisms.
  • Coordination: Enemy NPCs can act as a team and communicate with each other. This means that enemies can launch coordinated attacks and thwart the player’s strategic plans.

Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

AI behaviors of friendly and enemy NPCs can be created using various algorithms. Here are some commonly used AI algorithms:

Algorithm Description Behavior Trees Game designers can use a tree structure containing many regular expressions to manage NPC behavior. This tree tells NPCs how they will react in various situations. Artificial Neural Networks This algorithm uses a network of nerve cells to achieve goals. This neural network can be used to model enemy and friendly NPC behavior while optimizing the actions they take. Decision Trees This algorithm uses the tree structure to determine what NPCs will do under certain situations. This tree can be instrumental in determining enemy NPCs’ decisions, such as attacking or fleeing.

The algorithms mentioned above are commonly used algorithms to effectively use artificial intelligence in gun games. However, different algorithms may be used depending on the requirements of each game.


Artificial intelligence in gun games is an important element that increases the realism and difficulty level of the gaming experience. The cooperation and protection abilities of friendly NPCs, as well as the intelligence and attack skills of enemy NPCs, play an important role in providing the player with an immersive combat experience. AI algorithms offer a variety of techniques for managing NPC behavior and can be customized to the needs of each game. Therefore, the behavior of friendly and enemy NPCs controlled by artificial intelligence is very important for the success of the games.

One of the important factors that determine the atmosphere and difficulty level of a game is the attack and evasion strategies of artificial intelligence-controlled characters (NPCs). Today, technological advances in game development allow NPCs to exhibit intelligent behavior. This article will focus on how NPCs in day games can develop clever attack and escape strategies.

Meaning and Importance of NPC Behaviors

NPCs are artificial characters that the player does not control and are often used to create a realistic atmosphere in the game world. Having NPCs exhibit realistic behavior can add emotional depth to the game and enable players to establish an emotional bond. Therefore, it is important to develop NPCs’ attack and evasion strategies.

Clever Attack Strategies

NPCs must have certain abilities in order to develop clever attack strategies. Here are some attack strategies:

  • Using Explosives: NPCs can use explosives tactically to harm the player. For example, the ability of NPCs to place bombs on objects in the path the player is moving can be used as a tactical attack strategy.
  • Tracking and Targeting: NPCs can track the player’s location and head towards it. In this way, he blocks the player’s attempts to escape and can constantly continue the attack.
  • Tactical Positioning: NPCs can move into tactically advantageous positions. For example, they can more easily target the player from a distance by climbing onto the roof of a tall building.

Clever Escape Strategies

NPCs’ clever escape strategies are a factor that increases the difficulty level of the game for players. Here are some escape strategies:

  • Fast and Complex Movements: NPCs can hinder the player’s pursuit by making fast and complex movements. They can surprise the player by zigzagging, passing through closed areas or jumping obstacles.
  • Using Stealth: NPCs can use stealth when escaping from the player. For example, they can prevent the player from following them by going through inconspicuous paths or hiding in bushes.
  • Getting Help from Allies: NPCs can evade the player by summoning their allies or working together. In this way, the player may have to fight against more than one enemy.

Table: NPC Attack and Evasion Abilities

NPC Abilities Description Explosives NPC’s ability to use explosives Tracking and Target Determination NPC’s ability to follow the player and identify targets Tactical Positioning NPC’s ability to move to advantageous positions Fast and Complex Movements NPC’s ability to make fast and complex movements Using Stealth NPC ‘s ability to hide and hide Getting Help from Allies NPC’s ability to summon and work together with allies

As a result, the clever attack and evasion strategies of NPCs in day games provide players with a more challenging experience. Having NPCs exhibit realistic behavior can increase the atmosphere and difficulty level of the game. Strategies such as using explosives, tracking and targeting, tactical positioning, fast and complex movements, using stealth and getting help from allies enable NPCs to exhibit clever behavior. In this way, players experience a more challenging and exciting gaming experience.

Today, video games benefit greatly from artificial intelligence (AI) systems along with developing technology. Artificial intelligence is an important component that directs the behavior of NPCs (Non-playable characters) in games so that players have realistic experiences. In this article, we will focus on the behavior of NPCs, especially when it comes to territory defense and mass attack tactics.

Area Defense Tactics

Territory defense in a video game can be a mission that requires the player to stand against and thwart enemies in a specific area. NPCs are used for support purposes in such missions, and artificial intelligence systems develop effective strategies to fight enemy characters.

1. Strengthening the territory: NPCs can be placed in strategic positions in the game world to protect a certain territory. These positions give the player an advantage against enemy characters. For example, they can climb to high places and neutralize enemies with sniper rifles.

2. Communication and cooperation: NPCs communicate and cooperate with each other about attacks by enemy characters. In this way, zone defense becomes more effective. For example, while an NPC is attacking enemies, other NPCs can follow behind to support him.

3. Defensive strategies: NPCs can use certain defensive strategies to protect the area. For example, when enemies cross a certain limit, NPCs automatically become alert and start attacking, or some NPCs can set traps to catch enemies.

Mass Attack Tactics

Mass attack tactics are missions that require the player to act together with other NPCs to destroy a specific target or defeat enemies. These tactics provide superiority against enemy front lines and support the player.

1. Attack planning: NPCs come together to create a plan of attack. It evaluates the target’s weaknesses, positions itself in strategic positions and coordinates the attack process. In this way, they aim to defeat the enemies by creating a large force as a group.

2. Attack leader: The most experienced and skilled player among the NPCs is chosen as the leader of the attack. The leader’s job is to coordinate the team, target enemies, and give strategic instructions to group members during the attack.

Table: Area Defense and Mass Attack Examples

Territory Defense Mass Attack NPCs are placed in tactical positions. NPCs make plans of attack and are guided by their leaders. NPCs exchange enemy information and act cooperatively. NPCs are coordinated and receive instructions from their leaders. NPCs use specific defensive strategies. NPCs on the designated target make a coordinated attack according to the leader’s instructions.

The table above gives examples of zone defense and mass attack tactics. These tactics are used to improve the performance of NPCs managed by the artificial intelligence system and make the gaming experience realistic.

As a result, artificial intelligence systems in video games today direct NPCs’ territory defense and mass attack tactics. NPCs taking strategic positions, communicating and cooperating, using defensive strategies, and being guided by the attack leader makes the gaming experience richer and more realistic. These tactics provide a more challenging and enjoyable gaming experience for players.

Artificial intelligence has gained great momentum in the gaming industry today. The respawn and goal setting processes of NPCs (Non-Player Character), which is an important issue in this field, greatly affects the game experience of the players. In this article, we will include detailed information about friendly and enemy NPC behavior, with an emphasis on Gun game artificial intelligence.

NPC and Respawn

NPCs are characters in the game world that are not under the player’s control. Artificial intelligence controls the movements, behaviors and reactions of these characters. The respawning process of NPCs is very important to provide players with a more realistic experience. Respawning NPCs is the process of returning to the game after a certain period of time after death. During this time the NPC needs to be repositioned and adjusted in the game.

During the respawning process, artificial intelligence takes a number of factors into consideration. First, the NPC’s cause of death and the player’s actions are analyzed. Then, a suitable location is determined for the NPC to return to the game. In this process, a safe area away from the player’s area can be selected. This allows the player to continue playing NPCs without leaving the game.

Goal Setting

Target setting plays an important role in determining how friendly and enemy NPCs react towards players. In this process, artificial intelligence determines the movement and attack strategies of NPCs. These strategies may vary depending on the NPC’s roles and the player’s behavior.

For example, the target identification process of enemy NPCs takes into account the player’s proximity and power level. Enemy NPCs may attack if the player is in close range and strong. However, if the player is weak and far away, enemy NPCs may employ evasive or defensive strategies. In this way, NPCs’ movements are adjusted realistically.

Likewise, the target setting process of friendly NPCs is also important. Friendly NPCs often act to aid the player. During this process, the player’s health, power level and location are taken into account. Friendly NPCs can use defensive, offensive, or support strategies based on the player’s needs.


Day games are popular as they offer players an exciting and realistic experience. NPCs’ respawning and goal setting processes, which are a big part of this experience, are controlled by artificial intelligence. The NPC respawn process aims to maintain the flow of the game by making the player’s experience more realistic, without limiting players’ space of movement in a deadly game environment. The target setting process determines how friendly and enemy NPCs will react to players. The realistic movement of NPCs provides an enjoyable experience by allowing players to become more connected to the game world.

Today, the gaming industry is witnessing the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies. Artificial intelligence is being integrated into games to offer players a more realistic experience, and the presence of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) who can make smart decisions in the game world is gaining importance. In this article, we will talk about friendly and enemy NPC behaviors, especially those developed using artificial intelligence algorithms.

Behavior Type Friendly NPC Behaviors Hostile NPC Behaviors Target Selection Friendly NPCs tend to protect the player by acting alongside him. Enemy NPCs focus on finding the player’s weakness and attacking. Communication Friendly NPCs can provide tactical briefings or support with morale-boosting messages. Enemy NPCs communicate with each other about security measures or attack plans. Movement Friendly NPCs move and accompany the player’s designated target. Enemy NPCs follow the player’s movements and assume attack positions.

Friendly NPCs’ behavior in helping the player and teamwork may vary depending on the flow of the game and difficulty level. For example, in a first-person shooter game, friendly NPCs move alongside the player, protecting him and shooting at enemies. This behavior ensures that the game delivers the most realistic experience possible and helps the player feel more confident.

The behavior of enemy NPCs focuses on increasing the difficulty of the player and increasing the tension. Enemy NPCs often approach the player aggressively, coordinate tactics by communicating with each other, and take up different positions when attacking the player. These enemy NPC behaviors require the player to be more careful and make strategic decisions.

Trained Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

Artificial intelligence algorithms used to ensure realistic friendly and enemy behaviors of NPCs are generally based on deep learning and team-based planning techniques. Artificial neural networks form the basis of deep learning algorithms, allowing NPCs to perceive their environment and identify targets.

Additionally, team-based planning algorithms enable friendly NPCs to interact with each other, communicate and act in a coordinated manner. Thanks to this algorithm, friendly NPCs can support each other and develop a strategy to stay near the player.

As a result, artificial intelligence technologies are becoming more and more impressive in the gaming world and offer players a more realistic experience. The realistic behaviors of friendly and enemy NPCs increase the difficulty and enjoyment of the game and enable players to become more engaged. The development of artificial intelligence algorithms in this field will continue to move forward in the future.

Nowadays, game artificial intelligence technologies are rapidly developing and offer more realistic experiences to players. While NPCs, that is, artificial intelligence-controlled characters, which we encounter in many games, enrich the game atmosphere, the behavior of friendly and enemy NPCs has also become an important part of the game. In this article, we will discuss in detail the behavior of friendly and enemy NPCs focused on gun game artificial intelligence.

Friendly NPC Behaviors

Friendly NPCs are characters that assist the player and establish relationships with them. Sometimes we need these characters when completing missions in the game. Friendly NPCs’ item and resource sharing behavior increases the game’s realism and team spirit experience. For example, NPCs, who are our teammates in the game, give us the items they find or share the resources needed to complete certain tasks.

Artificial intelligence algorithms are used to ensure these behaviors. First, friendly NPCs are made to pay attention to the player’s needs and assist him. For this, NPCs must detect the items and resources in the game world and deliver them to the player who needs them.

To ensure this type of behavior, friendly NPCs must have certain abilities. For example, it is important that they have the ability to carry items and perceive the player’s directional commands. In addition, NPCs must make decisions in accordance with the difficulty level of the game and produce solutions using their creativity when necessary.

Friendly NPC Behaviors Description Sharing items and resources Friendly NPCs give the player the items and resources they find. Follow the player Friendly NPCs follow the player’s movements and assist him. Healing the player Friendly NPCs use health items to replenish the player’s health. Quest completion Friendly NPCs complete certain quests alongside the player.

Enemy NPC Behaviors

Enemy NPCs are characters that the player encounters and must fight. The behavior of enemy NPCs in the game determines the difficulty level of the game and requires the player to develop strategies. Enemy NPCs’ item and resource sharing behavior differs from friendly NPCs, as enemy NPCs use tactics to defeat the player.

The AI ​​behavior of enemy NPCs is based on abilities such as tracking the player’s movements, attacking and dodging. For example, enemy NPCs are expected to make strategic placements to capture the player, follow the player, and attack them.

Enemy NPC Behaviors Description Following the player Enemy NPCs follow the player’s movements and attack him. Attacking the player Enemy NPCs attack the player, damaging them. Escaping from enemies Enemy NPCs hide in strategic placements or run away to escape the player’s attack. Using a shield Enemy NPCs use their shields to block the player’s attacks.

The item and resource sharing behaviors of friendly and enemy NPCs in gun games affect the strategy, teamwork and realism aspects of the game. It is important for friendly NPCs to share items effectively so that the player can use their items and resources properly. Enemy NPCs make aggressive and strategic attacks against the player, making the player’s gaming experience more interesting.

Gun Game Artificial Intelligence: Friendly and Enemy NPC Behaviors, Clever Attack and Escape Strategies of Enemy NPCs, Area Defense and Mass Attack Tactics of Friendly NPCs, Respawn and Target Determination Processes of Enemy NPCs, Coming to Help and Coming to the Help of Friendly NPCs. Teamwork Behaviors, Item and Resource Sharing Behaviors of Friendly and Enemy NPCs

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